Preprint / Version 1

Effects of Black Holes on the Space-Time Continuum


  • Aliza Fatima


Black holes, space-time continuum, general relativity, quantum mechanics, Hawking Radiation


Black holes are one of nature's greatest mysteries. For years, these celestial bodies have evaded scientists due to their intense gravity and extreme density. A specific area of black hole research that is overlooked is how these cosmic bodies affect the space-time continuum. Developing a complete understanding of space-time in and around black holes is essential for future research relating to black holes and combining the two great theories of this generation: general relativity and quantum mechanics. This paper aims to analyze how the space-time continuum is distorted by black holes and explain the applications that space-time around black holes has to modern physics. It first develops an understanding of space-time linkage and curvature through Einstein’s theories of relativity and presents the geometry of space-time as predicted by Minkowski’s equation. When inside a black hole, space and time essentially trade places so that the flow of time causes matter to be drawn within a black hole. As one explores further toward the centre of a black hole, curvature increases until it is predicted by general relativity to reach a gravitational singularity where density becomes infinite, and the laws of space-time break down. In the paper, the discrepancy between general relativity and quantum mechanics is explored through Hawking Radiation and the theoretical singularity at a black hole's centre. A combination of written explanations, math models, and diagrams are used to communicate how the space-time continuum is affected by black holes.


