Smart Technologies for Visually Impaired: Assisting and conquering infirmity of blind people using (AI) Technologies


  • Fatma Muhammad Salim Al-Muqbali College of Applied Science - Suhar
  • Noura Abdullah Said Al-Tourshi College of Applied Science - Suhar
  • Khuloud Rashid Salim Al-Kiyumi College of Applied Science - Suhar
  • Faizal Hajamohideen College of Applied Science - Suhar



Artificial Intelligent, Open CV, Python, Face Recognition, Object Detection, Health Care.


Physical disability has affected many people’s lives across the world. One of these disabilities that strongly affected some large category of people is visual lose. Blind people often face difficulties in moving around freely such as: in crossing the street, in reading, driving or socializing. They often rely on using certain aid devices to reach certain places or perform any other daily activities such as walking sticks. There are ongoing scientific researches in the area of rectifying blindness, but it has to go long way to achieve the solution. Also, there are research unleashes the ideas of assisting the blind people deficiency but lacks in technological aspects of implementation. This research project aims at helping blind people of all categories to achieve their day to day tasks easier through the use of a smart device. By using artificial intelligent and image processing, this smart device is able to detect faces, colors and deferent objects. The detection process is manifested by notifying the visually impaired person through either a sound alert or vibration. Additionally, this study presents a palpable survey that entails visually impaired people from the local community. Subsequently, the project uses both Open CV and Python for programming and implementation. The exertion of this project prototype investigates the algorithms which are used for detecting the objects. Also, it demonstrates how this smart device could detects certain physical object and how it could send a warning signal when faced by any obstacles. Overall, this research will be a positive addition in the world of health care sector by supporting blind people with the use of smart technology


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How to Cite

Al-Muqbali, F. M. S., Al-Tourshi, N. A. S., Al-Kiyumi, K. R. S., & Hajamohideen, F. (2020). Smart Technologies for Visually Impaired: Assisting and conquering infirmity of blind people using (AI) Technologies. Journal of Student Research.