Multiple Objective Decision Based Modern Digital Home With Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources


  • Ahmed Nasser Khamis Al-Maskari MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE
  • Saeed Sultan Mohammad Al Al-Siyabi Middle East College
  • Hamed Obaid Habin Al Habsi Middle East College
  • GopiKrishna P Middle East College



Home Automation, GSM, Bluetooth module, Switching by Voice, Water tank level, , Gas level, RFID etc.


Day to day the technology is advancing and it’s becoming a part of our life. In this situation this project will provides an innovative and a complete solution for home automation based on multiple objectives. These objectives involve the switching ON/ OFF of home appliances automatically using different sensors, GSM modules, Smart phones with Bluetooth control, Smart phones with voice control, House security through GSM, Camera modules to send SMS, MMS when an unknown person entered into our locked house, Water tank level monitoring, Gas level, leakage monitoring systems, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) locks and Number locks in the place of manual locks. These all objectives are innovatively incorporated into our proposed prototype home model using Arduino and Raspberry Pi microcontrollers, GSM, Blue tooth, camera modules, RFID, Number lock and different sensors. Among all these objectives gas level monitoring, water tank level monitoring are our own proposed methods implemented successfully. We proposed and developed a multiple objective based a complete solution for home automation which will make or initiate the Omani people towards Modern home to lead their life more comfortably, securely and providing their contribution  in saving the energy for the Oman and as well as to reduce Global warming.



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Author Biography

Ahmed Nasser Khamis Al-Maskari, MIDDLE EAST COLLEGE




How to Cite

Nasser Khamis Al-Maskari, A., Mohammad Al Al-Siyabi, S. S., Habin Al Habsi, H. O., & P, G. (2017). Multiple Objective Decision Based Modern Digital Home With Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources. Journal of Student Research.