DNA: An Investigation of the Three-Day Strength Guarantee Made by Magnum Nutraceuticals in Regards to their Branch Chained Amino Acid Supplement DNA


  • Nicholas Conley Wingate University School of Pharmacy




BCAA, strength supplements, supplemental nutrition


This small pilot study used a double-blinded, between subject experimental design in an attempt to investigate the claim made my Magnum Nutraceuticals in regards to their newest supplement, DNA. The manufacturer has a three-day guarantee saying that if an individual takes this supplement for three days then they will experience an increase in strength (more repetitions to their normal weight lifting regiment). Two groups (placebo and experimental) performed three different weight lifting exercises (squats, chin-ups, bench press) while lifting ½ of their body weight per manufacturer’s instructions. The groups met on two different occasions separated by three days in between. The first meeting the participants completed the three aforementioned exercises and were assigned into the placebo or intervention group. After the baseline the participants were instructed to take their pills as directed for the next three days with the third day being a repeat of the three exercises to compare with baseline. Once all 13 participants (N=7 intervention, N=6 placebo) completed the final workout, the results were scored and significant differences were noted in all three exercises after excluding the numbers from the outlier in the experimental group. There was one minor adverse effect (dyspepsia) experienced with the use of the supplement though all ingredients contained within DNA had GRAS status as designated by the FDA. It was concluded that participants taking DNA had a significant increase in strength when compared against the placebo group for squats, bench, and pull-ups. DNA was shown to be reasonably safe and may help athletes increase repetitions when training with a similar exercise regiment.



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Author Biography

Nicholas Conley, Wingate University School of Pharmacy

This is an original research article completed in 2014 by a graduate pharmacy student while attending Wingate University School of Pharmacy.



How to Cite

Conley, N. (2017). DNA: An Investigation of the Three-Day Strength Guarantee Made by Magnum Nutraceuticals in Regards to their Branch Chained Amino Acid Supplement DNA. Journal of Student Research, 6(1), 33-39. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.v6i1.289



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