Impact of Creativity on Employee Self-Rated Performance in Bangladeshi Organizations




Creativity, Self-Rated Performance, Bangladeshi Organizations


This research investigates the relationship between creativity and self-rated performance among employees in Bangladeshi organizations. Drawing on a rich array of literature, the study employs a quantitative methodology, utilizing a structured questionnaire for data collection. A sample of 100 employees from various Bangladeshi organizations was analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analyses. The findings demonstrate a significant positive correlation between employee creativity and self-rated performance. Employees who perceive themselves as more creative tend to rate their performance higher. This correlation suggests that creativity not only influences self-perception of performance but may also have broader implications for actual performance outcomes within organizations. The study further explores the implications of these findings for organizational practices, emphasizing the importance of fostering a creative environment to enhance employee performance. The research highlights the need for organizational leadership and human resource strategies that support creativity. It also acknowledges the complex and multifaceted nature of the relationship between creativity and performance, influenced by various factors like organizational culture and job roles. The paper concludes with recommendations for organizations to harness the transformative power of creativity, thereby driving innovation and sustainable growth. This study contributes to the understanding of creativity's role in organizational settings and its impact on individual performance, providing valuable insights for academia and industry.


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Author Biographies

Nahiyan Jawwad, North South University

Senior, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, North South University

Faseeha Zabir, North South University

Lecturer, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, North South University

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How to Cite

Jawwad, N., & Zabir, F. (2024). Impact of Creativity on Employee Self-Rated Performance in Bangladeshi Organizations. Journal of Student Research, 13(2).



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