To what extent have examination reforms since 1997 negatively affected the social and academic development of students of secondary age in Hong Kong?


  • Tsz Ching Chow Durham University at Durham



Hong Kong, Education System, Examination Reform


Education is the focus for people aged 16 to 18. Working hard is important in order to have a brighter pathway. However, students in Hong Kong are often suffering from pressure all around them. From self-expectations to the entire society, pressure have brought huge impacts on students’ mental and physical health.


This essay will argue that the examination reforms since 1997 is bringing negative effects to the social and academic development to secondary aged students in Hong Kong. This essay will also cover the background of the examination reformation, the factors of pressure to students, charts will be included to strengthen the stance in the research.


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How to Cite

Chow, T. C. (2024). To what extent have examination reforms since 1997 negatively affected the social and academic development of students of secondary age in Hong Kong?. Journal of Student Research, 13(2).



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