Academic Colleges in the Galilee: Platforms for Inter-Group Relations


  • Yaffa Moskovich Zefat academic college
  • Ido Liberman Western academic galillee college



intergroup relations, conflict regulation, college students, trait attribution, prejudice


This study examines the changes that took place in intergroup relations between Jewish and Arab students in three Israeli colleges in the northern Galilee, as reflected in common traits and behaviors resulting from their shared undergraduate studies. The study investigated whether and how the joint study experience influenced learning and affected intergroup relations for 461 students at different stages of their undergraduate studies. The students answered a four-part questionnaire on cooperative behavior, personality, and demographic traits, and one open question on personal feelings in the college. Results showed that year of studies was a significant factor in creating social ties with other groups, particularly during the third year when students from all groups were more willing to collaborate on study-based activities. A significant effect of object of evaluation (the group evaluated) was found, but not for most other variables and respondents. We conclude that the changes in social relationships are mainly functional. However, change in the attribution of personality traits may be a long-term process and may not be achievable under one academic roof. Possibly this difficulty stems from the Jewish-Arab conflict that hovers in the background and hinders any significant change in perception of character traits.



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Author Biographies

Yaffa Moskovich, Zefat academic college

Head of Behavioral Science

Ido Liberman, Western academic galillee college

sociology department



How to Cite

Moskovich, Y., & Liberman, I. (2015). Academic Colleges in the Galilee: Platforms for Inter-Group Relations. Journal of Student Research, 4(2), 49-57.



Research Articles