Effectiveness of Smart Blackbox Technology in Monitoring Accidents of Motor Vehicles in Oman: A Reflection


  • Sheuly Nath Middle East College
  • Abdul Malik Sulaiman Said Al Jabri Middle East College
  • Vikas Rao Naidu Middle East College


Smart black boxes, data recorders


Smart black boxes, also known as event data recorders, are increasingly being used in automobiles as collision monitoring and reconstruction tools in recent years. This study's objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of intelligent black box technologies for tracking automobile accidents in Oman. This study used a combination technique, which included a survey of more than 200 drivers and an analysis of 50 accident incidents recorded by the Smartbox network. The study was conducted to determine how drivers felt about technology and how it affected how they drove while examining accident data to see if it was accurate and helpful for accident reconstruction. According to the poll findings, 82% of drivers felt that the technology may increase road safety, and 68% of drivers were aware of it. However, only 26% of them were deploying this technology because of worries about data protection and expense. According to the investigation, a Smart Black Box delivered exact and consistent data on vehicle speed, acceleration, and braking both before and after the collision. Reconstructing collision scenes and determining the causes of accidents, such as driver error, mechanical failure, or poor road conditions, have both benefited from data. In Oman, motor vehicle accidents can generally be efficiently monitored and repaired thanks to this technology. However, worries about cost and data protection may prevent this technique from being widely adopted. The study suggests that such concerns can be addressed through publicity campaigns, as well as by incentives to install Smart Black Boxes in vehicles.




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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Nath , S. ., Sulaiman Said Al Jabri , A. M. ., & Rao Naidu , V. . (2023). Effectiveness of Smart Blackbox Technology in Monitoring Accidents of Motor Vehicles in Oman: A Reflection. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from https://www.jsr.org/index.php/path/article/view/2295