Diet for a Better World: Exploring the Intersectional Impact of Meat-based vs Plant-Based Diets and First Steps for Change


  • Celina Mankarios University of Toronto



Veganism, Climate Change, Animal Cruelty, Human Rights, Global Health, Education, Plant-based Living, Water Conservation, Meat Industry


Humanity is faced with numerous pressing issues from the health crisis and human rights violations to climate change and animal cruelty. Although various methods are being employed to solve these issues, dietary changes are often overlooked. Unbeknownst to many people, the meat, dairy and fish industries continue to play a substantial role in perpetuating environmental degradation, animal cruelty, and human rights issues. However, the adoption of a 'plant-based' or 'vegan' diet emerges as a powerful catalyst for yielding widespread change in these issues. This research paper aims to explore the importance of transitioning society away from animal-based diets and towards plant based meals. Addressing a spectrum of urgent issues, this paper underscores the often underestimated potential of transitioning to plant-based diets as a potential solution to human, animal and environmental issues.  The paper commences with a meta-analysis, employing an intersectional lens of human ethics, animal ethics, environmental concerns, and health perspectives, to evaluate the negative repercussions of animal agriculture industries. Perceived negatives of plant-based diets will then be explored to holistically conceptualize whether veganism is a valid and feasible option for individual and societal change. Lastly, drawing from prior studies and acknowledging the  barriers of transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle, the paper culminates in proposing first steps for creating a successful plant-based transition: the implementation of plant-based meals and education in schools.


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How to Cite

Mankarios, C. (2023). Diet for a Better World: Exploring the Intersectional Impact of Meat-based vs Plant-Based Diets and First Steps for Change. Journal of Student Research, 12(4).



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