Orbital Mechanics & Subsystem Configurations of a Black Hole Analysing Spacecraft


  • Shathria Ompragash University of New South Wales
  • Manuj Awasthi University of New South Wales
  • Shane Hengst University of Southern Queensland




Black hole orbit, Satellite design, Orbital mechanics, Subsystem configuration, Sagittarius A, Supermassive black hole analysis, Black hole simulation, Orbit simulation


Although invisible in the optical frequency, black holes possess an immense gravitational power capable of holding trillions of stellar objects together by acting as galactic nuclei. Scientists are currently only able to conduct indirect studies by analysing the heat-sourced X-ray emissions generated by the acceleration of surrounding matter towards the black hole singularity. Direct means of experimentation and analysis cannot be accomplished due to humankind’s limited technology; moreover, the distance of separation between Earth and black holes also serves as a hindrance to the advancement of space expedition. This paper aims to provide the scientific community with foundational information to materialise a deep space satellite that will have the ability to investigate the cosmic implications initiated by the gravitational pull of a supermassive black hole. The orbital mechanics and system configurations of deep space satellites such as the Chandra X-ray Observatory, James Webb and Hubble Space Telescopes, along with the Voyager probes were critically studied. This allowed for the conceptualisation of a hypothetical deep space satellite with the potential to analyse the gravitational patterns and conduct investigations based on the theory of special relativity whilst orbiting a supermassive black hole. Features such as orbital manoeuvres and launch vehicle specifications were explored. Furthermore, an extensive study on the satellite’s subsystem configuration and payload design were also conducted.



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How to Cite

Ompragash, S., Awasthi, M., & Hengst, S. (2023). Orbital Mechanics & Subsystem Configurations of a Black Hole Analysing Spacecraft. Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.v12i4.2266



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