Brain Tumor Classification using Framelet Transform based energy features and K-Nearest Neighbor classifier
MRI brain images, Framelet Transform, Energy features, KNN classifierAbstract
The tissues which are abnormal in the brain are known as brain tumor. The growth of tumor creates the more pressure in the function of the brain and cause headache, sickness and other problems. The early diagnosis is required for the brain tumor. In this study, a technique for brain tumor classification using framelet transform based energy features and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier is presented. The normal and abnormal Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) brain images are fed into framelet transform and the features are decomposed into subband coefficients. These framelet based decomposed features are extracted by energy features. These extracted features are given as input for KNN classifier. Results show the better classification accuracy of MRI brain classification images using framelet transform based energy features and KNN classifier.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Amjath Ali J, TEEBA ABDULLAH SAID ALJAHDHAMI, Intissar Nasser Abdullah Al-Habsi, Al-Salt Yaqoob Ali Al-Suti

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