Designing Cooling Water System for the Main Tank at Homes using renewable energy


  • Basim A. Khidhir


50 degrees Celsius


Investigate the possibility of designing and fabricating a water cooling system for the main tank using renewable energy (solar panel). This research explores a different, varied and widely used first-class global practice for reducing the heat of water used in residences, hotels, and organizations. Understanding the applied metrics that are used to describe the performance of water-cooling using renewable energy, which in turn describes the components of water pipes and how the water flows within those pipes and is circulated in such a cooling system, which regulates the application on a regular basis and adheres to best practices. In addition, this project discusses the primary source of hot water as well as the advantages of using it for water-cooling. Some public water bodies spent large sums of money on facilities and numerous contracts to determine the causes of water heat, review the appropriate findings, and send them to the water sector for better monitoring and verification of the water-cooling system. The research addressed some studies and challenges that cause this temperature and its forms vary depending on the circumstances that it follows, as all studies have shown that one of the real causes of hot water is due to sunshine and a hot climate in the summer, with a maximum temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius.


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References or Bibliography

CleanPNG. (2021). Fin Hardware pipe.

EnggStaff. (2019). Working of cooling system .

S.Palani. (2016). Cooling System . Tamil ,India: Department of Mechanical Engineering .



How to Cite

AL-Azri, M. ., & Khidhir, B. A. . (2022). Designing Cooling Water System for the Main Tank at Homes using renewable energy. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from