Self-checkout smart cards for Smart Shopping


  • Marwa AlZidi Middle East College
  • Shahad Alraisi
  • Jitendra Pandy


IoT, RFID, Smart Trolley, Smart City, Smart Shopping


Smart cities are the built-up area that implements different types of electronic (IoT) sensors to collect data. The data that the sensors are collecting is used to manage assets resources and services efficiently. Those cities are digitally transferring to improve the financial, environmental, and social aspects of urban life. (M. Saraju P., etc. 2016) The traditional consumer of buying is continuing to evolve, that is what makes the merchants think about their sales opportunities. Lots of people are searching for the fast and easiest way to collect the products that they need. (H. Blanca., etc. (2010)

The objective of this project is to implement a smart shopping cart with the help of RFID technology to optimize the purchase. Is to use the RFID-related implementation practice in the cart. In this project, the RFID card is used as a protection entry to get the goods in the mall. If the item is placed in the shopping cart, the price of the product will appear, and therefore the total amount will be displayed. If we want to remove the product from the cart, you can withdraw the product and get the amount of this specific product deducted from the total amount, thus enhancing security performance and speed during purchases in shopping complexes. The key point of the proposed framework is to give innovation that is geared to a minimum of effort, adaptable effectively, and efficiently to assist shopping individually. So much time is saved on billing counters. (Megana 2018)


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

AlZidi, M., Alraisi, S. ., & Pandy, J. (2022). Self-checkout smart cards for Smart Shopping. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from