Gaming as a Service for multiuser resource-demanding gaming environments with massive hardware requirement- a reflection


  • Anjum Zameer Bhat Middle East College
  • Furwa Asim
  • Tanjima Khannam EMA


Gaming as a Service, Cloud computing architecture, Cloud Gaming


Cloud Computing, often referred to as on-demand computing, is a technology that provisions the computing resources promptly and seamlessly through a web interface based on the discrete requirements of individuals and enterprises. Cloud Computing has gained a lot of popularity in the past ten years although the concept of cloud computing is not new. Cloud Computing complimented with Virtualization technology yields enormous benefits for organizations ranging from significant cost benefits to minimal administration overhead, elimination of resource procurement, resource planning, and estimation, to name a few. Cloud Computing comes with basic service architectures such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS); however, many other service architectures have been proposed in the past that provide discrete and unique services to a specific group of people or organizations. This research study proposes a cloud service architecture that may comprehensively meet the requirements of gamers especially those playing games that required rich computing resources for normal functioning and hence deprive those users who may not have high-end hardware & software resources. This research study proposes a service architecture called Gaming as a Service (GaaS) for resource-demanding gaming applications.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Bhat, A. Z., Asim, F., & EMA, T. K. (2022). Gaming as a Service for multiuser resource-demanding gaming environments with massive hardware requirement- a reflection. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from