Cost overrun in construction projects in Oman: Case study


  • Haitham Nasser Al Siyabi Middle East College
  • Omar Khaleel Mentor, Middle East College



Cost overrun, Factors, Contractor


There are many challenges in construction industry sector, and one of the most important and critical is completion of the project within the original contract value. As the issue of cost overrun in construction projects is spread worldwide generally and commonly encountered in the Sultanate of Oman.The main objectives of this study are to identify and determine vital factors leading to cost overrun in Building Projects in Oman, evaluate the impact of cost overrun in building construction projects and develop the best protocol strategy for project management teams that can be adopted in order to control the cost overrun in future projects. These objectives have been obtained through several methods, questionnaire survey,interviews with experts in construction industry. Twenty nine major factors lead to cost overrun were identified through literature review and studied in Sultanate of Oman.The study concluded that there are three major impacts of cost overrun in construction projects and industry which are time of completion, delivery of poor quality projects and delay of payment approval. Additional to that, Hire good Supervision Team, a good Cost Controller, Project Manager, a good project design team, well planning for pre-contract stage and proper procurement strategy. Consider the Risk assessment and Risk Control are crucial to minimize the cost overrun in building construction project in Oman. The study have recommended procedure to cost control in future project such as the Employer should have a proper tender analysis of the Contractor’s bid, Detailed design should be finalized before award of work and others.



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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Al Siyabi, H. N., & Khaleel, O. (2021). Cost overrun in construction projects in Oman: Case study. Journal of Student Research, 10(3).



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