Assessment of the Smart Construction Plan for Oman Vision 2040


  • Al Mukhtar Al Farsi Middle East College
  • Omar Khaleel Mentor, Middle East College



Smart Construction Plan, Factors, Suitable Construction, Strategy


Smart construction faster and cost less,easer,perfect controlled and should be friendly to the environment.This research focus on the evaluating future of smart construction to approach Oman vision 2040.The smart construction is to improve the building construction sector by apply lean construction management system and analysis the key factors effecting the building construction cost performance in Oman.The main objective is evaluating future of smart construction to approach Oman 2040 vision by applying the lean construction management system for building construction industry,analysis the key factors of cost performance effecting the building construction in Oman, finding the suitable construction strategy for building construction in Oman and recommendation to government and privet sector to reduce the capital cost of the project.Several topics will explain such as the data collection methods, primary and secondary,the sample selection,pilot study method of analysis and limitations. Pilot study for questioner and the interviews online because of COVID 19.The factors effecting cost performance in building construction in Oman is part of the general results. At last, the research project explain the evaluating future of smart construction to approach Oman vision 2040. Smart construction is the building design, construction and process by collaborative partnerships makes a lot of technology in way of working to improve the productivity, reducing time-cost and use sustainably to improve user benefits.The research used a combination of primary data such as quantitative questionnaire survey and qualitative interviews.In addition to that secondary data used such as journals and case studies.Each type of data having a method for analysis.



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How to Cite

Al Farsi, A. M., & Khaleel, O. (2021). Assessment of the Smart Construction Plan for Oman Vision 2040. Journal of Student Research, 10(3).



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