Causes of Costs Overrun in Road Construction Project in Oman


  • Osama Salim Al Adawi Middle East College
  • Hussin Yahia Mentor, Middle East College



Costoverrun, project performance, causes


Cost overrun is a common phenomenon in construction projects of any country, be it in developing or developed countries. This issue is a critical issue that impacts a project's success. It, therefore, needs serious attention from all the participants in the construction project to keep the projects in safe mode, to be completed within its limited cost, time, and performance. Cost overrun has a negative impact on construction project performance, which is because the construction industry is vast and complex. Any difficulty occurring during the project's life cycle leads to other problems in various parts of the project. Studies by many researchers’ cost overruns by literature review, and according to their studies suggested the most cost overrun causes. The aim of this study is to identify the most critical factors leading to cost overruns on road projects in Oman, and then provide suggestions to resolve them.



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How to Cite

Al Adawi, O. S., & Yahia, H. (2021). Causes of Costs Overrun in Road Construction Project in Oman . Journal of Student Research, 10(3).



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