Exploring Global Health Disparities: Afro-Caribbeans’ Perceptions of the Prevalence of Type II Diabetes in Their Communities




Type II diabetes, Non-communicable diseases, diabetes, type 2 diabetes, Afro-Caribbean


Historically, many Caribbean islands did not experience the impact of non-communicable diseases until the most recent decades. Our neighbors in the Caribbean are experiencing complications and death due to chronic conditions and comorbidities that leave many communities puzzled about how to address health concerns and chronic conditions like diabetes. Little research has been conducted on the realities of type II diabetes in the Caribbean region. Qualitative interviews were conducted with six West Indians from four predominantly Afro-Caribbean islands, who witness the daily experiences of how type II diabetes impacts their health, their families, and their communities. The data provides key insight to understand how individuals and families are affected make sense of Type II diabetes.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Exploring Global Health Disparities: Afro-Caribbeans’ Perceptions of the Prevalence of Type II Diabetes in Their Communities. (2020). Journal of Student Research, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsr.v9i1.1026



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