The Power of Culture: Examining the Mysterious and Unique Origins of the Basque Language


  • Bowen Peng Winchester High School
  • Dr. John Bieter Professor at Boise State University
  • Dr. Miren Karmele Azkarate Villar



Basque, Basque Language, Linguistics, Sociology, Language Families, Language Origins, Origins of Language


The Basque language and its unique status as a linguistic isolate in Europe have puzzled scholars, linguists, and historians for many years. The following paper summarizes notable works and theories that attempt to either explain the origins of the Basque language or to connect the Basque language with another language, their reasonings, and their fallacies. The paper begins by discussing Biblical theories of Basque’s origins from medieval scholars of the 14th to 15th century before transitioning to the various attempts made by contemporary linguists and historians to connect Basque with other languages. Research is encouraged to be done on the subject of Basque’s origins and how it got its distinct status as a linguistic isolate. Finally, theories are proposed in the paper which attributes the development and preservation of the Basque language to the nature of its people.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Peng, B., Bieter, J., & Azkarate, M. (2024). The Power of Culture: Examining the Mysterious and Unique Origins of the Basque Language. Journal of Student Research, 13(3).



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