What do LA County working professionals in IT and Healthcare think of AI’s impact on their field?


  • Rayhan Jain Calabasas High School
  • Brad Boelman




Impact of AI, AI, AI in healthcare, AI in IT, Impact of AI on job workforce, AI in job market


With the rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence in the job market, it is of utmost importance to evaluate and understand the effectiveness of AI in the jobs of working professionals. The healthcare and IT industries are two areas within the job market seeing become an integral part of its work. However, these have led to concerns as to whether AI will promote a good work environment or be at risk of taking over the jobs of working professionals in these fields. This research aims to understand the effectiveness of AI in the jobs of working professionals. To answer this question, 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with healthcare and IT professionals on AI’s impact on their work. Important findings were that AI was not seen as a big threat to these professionals, and AI is still in a developing state, it is not actively used in these fields yet. 



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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Jain, R., & Boelman , B. (2024). What do LA County working professionals in IT and Healthcare think of AI’s impact on their field?. Journal of Student Research, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v13i3.7304



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