The Accessibility of Healthcare for Indigenous Seniors in Canada


  • Yining Zhang University of Toronto Schools
  • James Campbell University of Toronto Schools



Indigenous, Canada, Healthcare Policy, Accessibility, Seniors, Public Health


Healthcare is an essential human right that is imperative to one’s survival. However, in Canada, accessibility of healthcare is greatly impaired for Indigenous people, and in particular Indigenous seniors. As such, this paper reviews the status quo of healthcare accessibility for Indigenous seniors in Canada, specifically examining what barriers have led to the lack of accessible healthcare, and what mitigating strategies can be implemented to alleviate the situation. Historically, the rights and culture of Indigenous Canadians have been systematically suppressed, both within and outside of the field of healthcare, leading to severe mistrust in the state and thus the healthcare system. Currently, Indigenous seniors face both tangible barriers including geography, poverty, and poor policy, and more abstract, cultural barriers, such as racism and mistrust, which contribute to lacking healthcare accessibility. To address these barriers, the overarching themes of all solutions include increasing cultural safety practices, investment in rural healthcare resources, and building trust.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Y., & Campbell, J. (2024). The Accessibility of Healthcare for Indigenous Seniors in Canada. Journal of Student Research, 13(3).



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