Enhancing Welfare and Reducing Food Insecurity Among the Disabled Population in the United Kingdom


  • Katherine Lu Riverdale Country School
  • Kate Reynolds Riverdale Country School




Disabled Population, Poverty, Welfare, Food Insecurity


The United Kingdom, despite its strong economy and global influence, faces significant challenges in addressing poverty and food insecurity, particularly among its disabled population. Disabled individuals face severe financial hardships, higher living costs, lower employment rates, and significant income disparities compared to non-disabled individuals. These disparities lead to prevalent food insecurity - 40% of disabled households compared to 10% of non-disabled ones, which have only been exacerbated by rising inflation and living costs. The UK's welfare system is also inadequate and inconvenient, with reduced benefits from austerity measures and complex application processes, preventing many from meeting basic needs. Significant delays and stress in navigating the benefits system prevent disabled individuals from claiming essential benefits. Beyond systematic complexities, societal stigmatization, driven by government rhetoric and media portrayals, also often deters disabled individuals from seeking support, leading to discrimination and mistreatment, which deepens their isolation and hardship. Thus, comprehensive reforms are essential to address these issues. Increasing welfare support, expanding the definition of disability, simplifying the application process, and enhancing public awareness are critical steps, and implementing these changes can help the UK better support its disabled citizens, reduce food insecurity, and promote a more inclusive society.


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Author Biography

Kate Reynolds, Riverdale Country School

English Teacher

References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Lu, K., & Reynolds, K. (2024). Enhancing Welfare and Reducing Food Insecurity Among the Disabled Population in the United Kingdom. Journal of Student Research, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v13i3.7231



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