The Ethics of Human Enhancement: An Analysis


  • Anastasia Pentidi Moraitis School
  • Spyridoula Athanasopoulou-Kypriou



bioethics, human enhancement, transhumanism, immortality, the human condition


Recent advances in life sciences such as medicine, biotechnology, genetics, biology, and neurosciences raise serious moral concerns. Among the key issues is the one that concerns our genetic structure. Questions are continually emerging, regarding our genetic basis and its manipulation leading eventually to the enhancement of the human being through science. That said, transhumanists allege that for humanity to meet the demands of modern life, we have a moral duty to enhance ourselves and extend our lifespan, yet surpass the human condition as we nowadays appreciate. This paper presents ideas and evaluates transhumanism’s propositions concerning philosophical views, like that of Michael Sandel, professor of political philosophy at Harvard University, and that of political economist Francis Fukuyama. The paper concludes that, although we should exploit the redemptive nature of technology to improve, intervention in our natural capacities, as it is being proposed, seems relatively unsound.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Pentidi, A., & Athanasopoulou-Kypriou, S. . (2024). The Ethics of Human Enhancement: An Analysis. Journal of Student Research, 13(3).



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