The Effects of Near Field Communications Mobile Payment on Los Angeles Teenagers’ Perceptions of Spending


  • Anna Rosciszewski Le Lycee Francais de Los Angeles



NFC M-pay, Mobile Payment, Consumer Perception, Spending Perception


Near Field Communications Mobile Payment, NFC M-pay, is a new form of mobile payment in the post-pandemic. Like other digital technologies, it has been found to be more easily accepted by Gen Z due to their technological saviness and technology oriented lifestyle, resulting in a higher perceived ease of use and conveninece for their age group. Teenagers, who are a part of Gen Z, make up 23.7% of Los Angeles County's population and thus are a significant group to investigate in the context of NFC M-pay. This study investigates the specific relationship between Los Angeles teenagers' use of NFC M-pay and perceptions of spending, specifically include pain of paying, pleasure of paying, volume of payment, transparency, consumer satisfaction, Overall Store Price Image, Willingness to pay, and abstraction of payment. Prior to this study, these perceptions of spending had neither been studied together nor measured in Los Angeles teenagers, albeit they yielded interesting results individually in other study groups. The study's method consisted of a questionnaire accompanied by a four-point linear scale and was inspired by Ming-Yeh Teoh, Wendy et al.'s study on consumer perceptions toward electronic payment systems. Each question was based on a hypothesis for clarity. Results were gathered from 49 respondents from a variety of ages and genders. Out of eleven hypotheses, eight were confirmed and one was partially confirmed from the primary data. This study adds valuable findings to the broader scholarly discussion concerning teenagers' perceptions of spending using NFC M-pay while pioneering research in Los Angeles. 


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How to Cite

Rosciszewski, A. (2024). The Effects of Near Field Communications Mobile Payment on Los Angeles Teenagers’ Perceptions of Spending. Journal of Student Research, 13(3).



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