An Ethnographical Exploration of Sensory Stimulation in Chinese Hospices


  • Tingxu Lan The Webb Schools
  • Mary J Weismantel University of Northwestern



Ethnography, Hospice Care


As China's population ages swiftly, there is a growing need for hospice care. This has led to an elevated demand for research exploring the elements of effective hospice care in the region. In this paper, I aim to analyze the role of sensory stimulation in five different hospices in Beijing and Tianjin in increasing the quality of service. Previous research on the role of sensory stimulation in hospice has shown sensory stimulation to enable flexible care approaches that allow for individual expression and the continuation or creation of rituals (Niedzielski et al. 2016). Literature regarding the role of sensory stimulation in hospice or hospices in China is scarce, and literature combining both elements is virtually nonexistent. I aim to fill that gap in this paper using traditional ethnographical methods, such as participant observation and semi-structured interviews. I have determined three primary purposes of sensory stimulation: offering physical comfort, expressing important patient values, and aiding in the grief alleviation of family members. Sensory stimulation serves these purposes through diverse care methods ranging from forest bathing to aromatherapy. My paper is a potential reference for Chinese hospices looking for new ways to incorporate sensory stimulation to improve their services.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Lan, M., & Weismantel, M. (2024). An Ethnographical Exploration of Sensory Stimulation in Chinese Hospices. Journal of Student Research, 13(3).



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