Interventions of AI on Finance and Healthcare Sector, Labor Force and Economic Inequality


  • Euan Wang UWC South East Asia (Dover Campus)
  • Eugene Wang College Mentor



AI, Sustainable Development, Latin America, Economic Output, Economic Inequality, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Labor Policies


This research publication will centralize upon the significant advancements that Artificial Intelligence has employed in regard to particular industries like the healthcare and workforce sector, economic policies, economic output and global development of nations, as well as the potential ethical limitations in diversifying such subset of results for all countries. This research publication has derived and obtained numerical data, and findings from longitudinal and empirical research to deduce how AI can play a prominent role in the advancements of various industries that are expected to unveil significant growth over the next few years. Intrinsically, this publication will shed light on the financial crisis, medical management of biotech and healthcare tools, as well as on global policies and frameworks that ensure that AI can boost the sustainability, development, and advancements of countries in the modern era. The particular influence of AI on the Latin-American nations will also be explored, in showcasing how particularly booming nations and industries have witnessed significant advancements in dabbling with novel artificial neural networks and AI interventions. 


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How to Cite

Wang, E., & Wang, E. (2024). Interventions of AI on Finance and Healthcare Sector, Labor Force and Economic Inequality. Journal of Student Research, 13(3).



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