A Comprehensive Analysis of the Habitability of TRAPPIST-1 Exoplanets
Habitability, Exoplanet, Star, Radiation, Atmosphere, Habitable ZoneAbstract
TRAPPIST-1 is the most studied star system other than our Solar System. The announcement of the discovery of the system fostered international attention for its potential to harbor extraterrestrial life, and maybe one day even human life. This paper aims to evaluate the validity of this excitement by interpreting and compiling all available information regarding factors that could potentially affect habitability. To do this, we look at all data regarding the Habitable Zone and Water Presence, Tidal Forces, and Atmospheric Composition resulting in Extreme UV (EUV) Flux. Specifically, we compare Transmission spectra of the four planets in the habitable zone with synthetic, potentially habitable atmospheres, we compare composition and density of the planets with Earth and other density models to determine water composition, and we consider both high and low stellar activity to determine EUV flux in an anoxic, Earth-like and very thin atmosphere. This paper shows that on net, due to the lack of a thick atmosphere, various issues arise that lead to the conclusion that the planetary system is uninhabitable for even the most resistant terrestrial organisms. This set of considerations could be used in studying other planetary systems and evaluating their habitability as well.
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