Exploring the Therapeutic Role of Art in Enhancing Mental Health and Quality of Life in Older Adults
Geriatics, Art Therapy, Cognitive Disorders, RehabilitationAbstract
With a growing population of older adults facing age-related health issues, cognitive decline, and prevalent mental health disorders, the study focuses on the potential of art therapy as a holistic solution. Art therapy, beyond cognitive benefits, offers profound purpose, joy, and playfulness. It serves as a coping mechanism for traumatic events, fostering autonomy and positive self-perception. The study investigates the science and psychology of art therapy and highlights the neural basis for the rewarding aspects of creating art and the role of meta-cognitive processes. Other benefits include its impact on the environment, cognitive function, medical conditions, dementia, and cancer. Comparatively, art therapy emerges as a cost-effective and successful treatment option, particularly for individuals who may struggle with exclusively verbal approaches. Case studies, such as the Open Studio Approach, emphasize the flexibility of art therapy and its potential to aid depression and cognitive interventions for older adults. In conclusion, the incorporation of art therapy to comprehensively address the many health challenges faced by older adults showcases a potential to improve cognitive function, mental health, and overall quality of life.
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