Overview of Advanced Liquid Process System: Circulation of tritiated water in oceanic environment
Advanced Liquid Process System, Environment, Japan, Korea, Nuclear waste, Oceanography, TritiumAbstract
The recent Japanese disposal of Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS)-treated water is controversial. ALPS does not filter tritium. The objectives of this paper are (a) to examine how anthropogenic tritium triggers biological health impacts and (b) to review the circulation of tritiated water into the oceanic territory of the Republic of Korea. I reviewed the possibility of the bioaccumulation of tritium in the oceanic environment and its overall health impact. To be of significant status, they require complex conditions. I also reviewed the simulation of the possible path that disposed pollutants will take from Fukushima. The simulation was then compared with the measured level of radionuclides around the Republic of Korea's oceanic territory by year. The data is divided into three parts (east, west, and south) and analyzed to check if the trends show any patterns in the level of tritium in the Republic of Korea. The levels checked in three areas showed a partial uniformity, which may be evidence that radionuclides entered the oceanic territory of the Republic of Korea. However, the level of tritium was extremely low compared to the regulations set by the World Health Organization and the Republic of Korea. Thus, the disposal of tritium will be less likely to affect the natural environment. Nevertheless, it is recommended to monitor disposed tritium by a third party, plan for compensation, and conduct intense research on the circulation of tritium to support the prevention of sudden failure of the emission system.
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