How do socioeconomic factors affect the development of adolescent-onset drug use disorders?


  • Ziyue Wang Stuyvesant High School
  • Silvia Martins Mentor Professor



psychology, sociology, adolescence, addiction


Illicit drug use has been a significant issue among adolescents (aged 10 to 19 years). This review investigates the intricate relationship between socioeconomic factors and adolescent-onset illicit drug use in both the United States and Brazil. These socioeconomic factors were categorized into three primary domains: home life, community, and school. At the home level, households grappling with issues such as parental substance abuse, mental health challenges, or financial hardships are notably associated with adolescent drug use. Parental education levels emerge as a critical determinant, with lower education linked to an increased risk of drug use among adolescents. Furthermore, family dysfunction and exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) , also escalate the likelihood of early drug experimentation. At the community level, poverty and neighborhood disorganization play a pivotal role in adolescent drug use. Adolescents residing in economically disadvantaged communities face heightened vulnerability due to elevated stress and crime, often resorting to illicit drugs as a coping mechanism. The school environment also plays a crucial role in shaping drug use through peer influence. In dysfunctional homes, adolescents seek support outside the family, forming vulnerable connections with peers engaged in substance use. Understanding the intricate association of these socioeconomic factors is imperative for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and educators.  Targeted interventions should be developed to curtail the prevalence of adolescent substance use and foster the overall well-being of young individuals in society.



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How to Cite

Wang, Z., & Martins, S. (2024). How do socioeconomic factors affect the development of adolescent-onset drug use disorders?. Journal of Student Research, 13(1).



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