Detecting and Validating the Emotions in Alzheimer’s Patients by Voice Analysis, Computer Vision and Deep Learning


  • Reetu Jain On My Own Technology
  • Ms Westwood High School United States



Alzheimer's disease, Mood detection, Deep learning, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Neurodegenerative disorder, Cognitive decline


Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the brain that affects memory and cognitive function, and is becoming more prevalent as the population ages. Alzheimer causes brain cells of a person to die, and with time the brain works less. As a result of this there is a change in the behavior and personality of Alzheimer patients. It is observed that the patients very often suffer from fluctuating mood. Due to the change in mood of the patient, the caretaker or the attendant of the patient is unable to distinguish what triggered the changes, and provide proactive support or timely intervention. Hence the study is undertaken to detect the mood of the Alzheimer’s patient employing the voice analysis, computer vision and deep learning. This paper comprises of two phases. The first phase detects the emotions of the patients in real time with the help of computer vision (CV), voice analysis (VA) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Two CNN models were trained, first with the attributes extracted from the image and second the features extracted from the voice dataset. Then the predictions are compared to get the result from the proposed model. The second phase of the paper examines the practicality of the proposed approach by applying it to detect the emotions in four Alzheimer’s patients. Finally, the results are compared and validated. Overall, the proposed model holds promise as a valuable tool in the real time detection of emotions in Alzheimer patient, enabling timely intervention and improved patient outcomes.


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How to Cite

Jain, R., & Khanna, K. (2024). Detecting and Validating the Emotions in Alzheimer’s Patients by Voice Analysis, Computer Vision and Deep Learning. Journal of Student Research, 13(1).



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