Seasonal Adaptations in the Hospitality Industry: Balancing Profits with Customer Needs


  • Shuyi Zhang Singapore American School



hospitality industry,, ecosystems, hospitality services, management strategies, businesses balance


The hospitality industry plays a role in tourism, contributing to the economy of various regions worldwide. Its ability to adapt and withstand challenges makes it an essential part of ecosystems worldwide (Chetty and Raj, 2020). The demand for hospitality services follows its rhythm, influenced by seasons, international events and cultural celebrations. For example, coastal destinations attract visitors during summer when the sun is shining bright. On the other hand, adventurous souls are drawn to areas where winter brings crisp air. Adding to this complexity are festivals that require management strategies (Lozano et al., 2021). The digital age has changed the hospitality industry due to advancements. The appearance of analytics, intelligence and big data has changed traditional practices, empowering businesses to predict trends, enhance their offerings and cater to evolving customer preferences (Zervas et al., 2017). However, there are challenges associated with this transformation. The accessibility of platforms for customer feedback amplifies the impact of reviews. Negative critiques can harm a brand's reputation and revenue during peak demand periods (Alrawabdeh, 2021).
In the sections of this paper, we will explore these strategies used during different seasons. We will also examine how businesses balance driving profitability and providing customer service. To enhance our understanding, we will analyse real-world case studies from industries. Our focus is on unravelling and appreciating the nuances and dynamic trends that shape the changing face of the modern hospitality sector.


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How to Cite

Zhang, S. (2024). Seasonal Adaptations in the Hospitality Industry: Balancing Profits with Customer Needs. Journal of Student Research, 13(1).



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