Reduced Parietal Delta and Theta Event Related Oscillations in Alcoholics during Early Visual Processing
Chronic Alcoholism, Functional Brain Changes, Electroencephalography (EEG), Sensory Processing, Event-Related Oscillation (ERO), Event-Related Spectral Perturbations (ERSP), Visual Oddball Task, Spectral Power, Delta Band, Theta Band, Alpha Band, Beta Band, Parietal Cortex, Endophenotype MarkersAbstract
Background: Chronic alcoholism is associated with widespread structural and functional brain changes that underlie cognitive and behavioral deficits. Electroencephalography (EEG) provides insight into the real-time dynamics of altered sensory and cognitive processing in alcoholism. While prior research shows event-related potential (ERP) and event-related oscillations (EROs) differences, less is known about the early timeframes after visual tasks.
Objective: This study aimed to characterize ERO differences between alcoholics and healthy controls using EEG recorded during a visual oddball task, with a focus on the first 100ms post-stimulus.
Methods: Publicly available EEG data from 10 alcoholic and 10 control subjects were analyzed. After preprocessing, time-frequency analysis was conducted to examine spectral power changes in delta (2-4Hz), theta (4-8Hz), alpha (8-12Hz) and beta (12-30Hz) bands. Power differences between 50-100ms were statistically compared between groups.
Results: Alcoholics showed significantly reduced parietal delta (p=0.03996) and theta (p=0.04995) power compared to controls between 50-100ms. Large effect sizes were found for parietal delta (Cohen's d=0.94) and theta (d=0.78). No significant differences were seen in alpha or beta bands.
Conclusion: The pronounced parietal delta and theta reductions likely signify disrupted early sensory encoding and attention orienting in alcoholism. The findings reveal that alcoholism impacts even the initial stimulus registration stages, as evidenced by oscillatory disturbances within the first 100ms. Early EROs could serve as useful endophenotype markers in alcoholism research.
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