Examining the Persistence of American Housing Discrimination Through the Asian Lens: A Literature Review


  • Yoon Kim Portola High School




Housing, social inequailty, racism, sociology, asian american


This paper examines the historically controversial and essential issue of racial influences in housing practices through the Asian scope. While many ongoing debates garnered national attention about the roots of the homeownership gap between Black and White Americans, the story of Asians and their housing struggle in America is vastly underreported. Various discriminatory realtor agencies across the United States still demonstrate racially motivated housing malpractices towards Asians, alluding subconsciously to the persisting stereotypes of the race arising in the 19th century. The aim of this literature review is to thoroughly analyze the roots, status quo, and possible modern solutions to the unseen issue of housing discrimination against Asians in the United States.


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How to Cite

Kim, Y. (2023). Examining the Persistence of American Housing Discrimination Through the Asian Lens: A Literature Review. Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i4.5889



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