Unveiling the Mind’s Mystery: Exploring the Neurological Basis of Consciousness and its Impact on Human Health
Consciousness, Disorders of Consciousness, Coma, Vegetative State, Minimally Conscious State, Traumatic Brain InjuryAbstract
Viewed as one of the biggest mysteries in science, consciousness was once overlooked as a research topic and is now an expanding field in neuroscience. Currently, there is no set definition for consciousness, and its biological underpinnings are not fully understood. Disorders of consciousness, where appropriate levels of consciousness are not achieved for a given period, can have a significant impact on quality of life. To recognize the implications of consciousness, it is important to understand the neurological basis of consciousness disorders. Today, research is limited to patients that suffer from long-term states of unconsciousness. However, scientists have been able to form a framework for the biological circuits involved in consciousness. It has been determined that consciousness is regulated through the integration of neural circuits between several parts of the brain. Many theories associated with the neural circuits that allow the human body to sustain consciousness exist: the Global Neuronal Workspace Theory, Information Integration Theory, and Temporospatial Theory of Consciousness. External factors can also lead to disorders of consciousness. While researchers have developed a clearer picture of the biological underpinnings of consciousness, treatments and recovery from disorders of consciousness remains challenging. As such, further work is needed to improve patient outcomes in disorders of consciousness. Here, we will define the areas of the brain related to consciousness, discuss the biological systems involved in conscious systems, and discuss disorders of consciousness and their current treatments. Finally, we will discuss new approaches to treatments and how they can improve patient outcomes.
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