Analyzing the Role of Melodic Contours in Music Therapy for ADHD Therapeutic Interventions
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, Music Therapy, Melodic Contours, ChildrenAbstract
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting children; it impacts their academic growth, social habits, as well as daily lifestyle routines. This review aims to explore using melodic contours as a possible therapeutic intervention for those affected with ADHD. Melodic contour refers to the shape of a musical melody, encompassed by various aspects such as the rise and fall of a pitch, the direction of melodic movement, and the overall pattern of the melody. Music therapy has shown promise as a form of treatment for individuals affected by neuropsychological behaviors such as ADHD. The use of melodic contours is a specific technique in music therapy that can be used to target patients’ attention, impulsivity, and emotional regulation. This review explores the theoretical background of melodic contours and their potential therapeutic benefits, though it warrants further research into clinical trials to test the effectiveness of using specific melodic contours for ADHD treatment.
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