The Influence of Parental Socioeconomic Status Characteristics on Children’s Educational Outcomes in Kazakhstan
Parental socioeconomic status; parental income; parental education; parental occupation; children’s education outcomes; review paper; KazakhstanAbstract
This paper reviews the findings on relations between parents' socioeconomic status and children’s educational outcomes in existing literature as well as assesses the validity of literature that analyzes Kazakhstan's case in this field. We examine and summarize the findings, measurements, data sources, and areas of similarity in the process of finding the relationship between parental socioeconomic status (SES) characteristics and children's academic outcomes in the available literature from around the world. As the paper will show, the available literature demonstrates a strong correlation between parental socioeconomic status (SES) factors and children’s educational outcomes. Surprisingly, the available literature on Kazakhstan contradicts these claims. Therefore, this paper will analyze the validity of papers that assess the case of Kazakhstan and propose possible amendments in methodology, as well as suggest the reasons why the results are different from everywhere else.
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