The Frayer Model as Analysis of Instruction and Student Knowledge in Undergraduate Astronomy
Frayer Model, pedagogy, undergraduate, blackbody radiation, thematic analysis, stem education, scientific literacy, introductory astronomy, astronomy education researchAbstract
The American public’s factual knowledge about science has remained relatively unchanged over the past two decades. Research on scientific literacy connects to science education, interactive instruction techniques, and how introductory undergraduate science courses are many students’ last formal exposure to science. This highlights a need for research on how these courses can contribute toward a scientifically-literate citizenry. This study qualitatively analyzes how instruction in an introductory undergraduate astronomy course informs students on an astronomy concept, specifically blackbody radiation. A case study method of thematic analysis was employed by administering a pre- and post-lesson Frayer Model to students in an ASTR 1010 section and recording the professor’s lecture. Thematic analysis was conducted on all Frayer Models and the lecture transcript. Three key themes (refined understanding, blackbody spectrum, and ideal physical body) emerged, summarizing how students’ knowledge changed following instruction. The results section contextualizes these themes within how the concepts were taught. Blackbody radiation was entirely foreign to most students. Students utilized a few keywords, such as “perfect absorber,” to describe blackbodies. Their visual comprehension improved, for they accurately drew and labeled blackbody spectra. This study is novel in using the Frayer Model as an assessment tool in astronomy education research. The findings contextualize scientific literacy and nuance our understanding of how students conceptualize lecture-based instruction. Educators can interpret the results when considering how to teach blackbody radiation. Implications are made to a growing body of knowledge on language in astronomy education.
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