Time-Series Signals of Affect and Neural Dynamics with Technology to Identify Depression Risk


  • Rinaz Jamal Franklin High School
  • Dr. Monica Kullar Harvard University, Stanford University, University of California San Diego, University of Cambridge, University of Otago, VA San Diego Healthcare System https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4302-5318




affect dynamics, depression, EEG, smartphone applications, time series, time signals


Despite extensive research documenting the impact of depression on basic human developmental parameters (employment, health, education, social roles, and overall quality of life), multiple individual and systemic barriers limit accessibility to clinical assistance among vulnerable populations. Research-backed digital interventions, such as smartphone applications, may serve as convenient and reliable tools for detecting and monitoring depressive symptoms and attenuate the increasing pressure on conventional mental health resources. This review evaluates the significance of key time-series signals of affect dynamics (average levels, granularity, variability, instability, inertia) and electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns (power spectrum of frequency bands, alpha asymmetry) in predicting critical transitions in depressive symptom severity. An evidence-based prototype for a smartphone application that can reliably integrate multivariate time-series signals of affect dynamics and neural oscillations is proposed, to prospectively anticipate and detect affective abnormalities with greater accuracy in individuals susceptible to depression.


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Author Biography

Dr. Monica Kullar, Harvard University, Stanford University, University of California San Diego, University of Cambridge, University of Otago, VA San Diego Healthcare System

I have 8+ years of experience leading mixed-methods user research. My skills help companies better understand human behavior and motivations through innovative data-based insights. I have strong experience defining and leading strategic end-to-end research that can systematically address complex problem spaces on a global scale. I've also worked on a variety of domains ranging from well-being, social networks, VR, gaming, sustainability, and now, global connectivity needs in both B2C and B2B spaces.

My focus is on generating actionable user-centric insights for product, design, and engineering teams by using the best selection of research methods that span qualitative and advanced quantitative approaches. I am skilled at establishing and executing research roadmaps for ambiguous spaces. I help bring clarity to where research can drive impact.

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How to Cite

Jamal, R., & Kullar, M. (2023). Time-Series Signals of Affect and Neural Dynamics with Technology to Identify Depression Risk. Journal of Student Research, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i4.5142



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