Exploring the Relationship: Gender Perceptions and Motivation in Pursuing Professional Piano Careers
Self-Determination Theory, music, piano, female, male, musicians, pianists, motivation, identified regulation, intrinsic motivation, professional careerAbstract
The Self-Determination Theory creates a framework for the study of human motivation and personality in which the social environment affects one’s motivation and psychological needs. Intrinsic and identified are the most autonomous forms of motivation for the pursuit of a professional career, which requires great perseverance and practice. These traits typically are intertwined with personal identity, sense of self, and intrinsic motivation. However, this may be hindered by gender perceptions. Currently, the amount of professional female musicians is decreasing in numerous countries. Gender perceptions relating to piano specifically and their relation to motivation is unclear at this point. In this study, the effect of gender perceptions (in the form of gender role self-concept and intrinsic value in music) of female pianists regarding competence on six different forms of motivations, especially identified motivation, as per SDT, will be explored. Participants (N=26) completed a survey with two validated scales; bivariate correlation and linear regression analysis tests were administered. Between “equal gender perceptions” (being uninfluenced by either gender stereotype) and identified regulation, female participants were found to have strong positive correlations while male were found to have small to medium. Regarding “feminine gender perceptions,” female and male participants were found to have strong large positive correlations. Regarding “masculine gender perceptions,” there were no responses from female participants and male participants were found to have small positive to medium negative correlations. The findings reveal that competence is a large predictor of intrinsic motivation and indicates that gender perceptions could be an obstacle.
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