A Review of Pedagogical Approaches for Improved Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Mathematics


  • Junho Lee Choate Rosemary Hall
  • Nicholas Paul Choate Rosemary Hall




Traditional Lecture Based, Inquiry Based Learning, Collaborative Learning, Flipped Classroom, Pedagogical Methods, Mathematics, Metacognition


The traditional, lecture-based teaching approach in mathematics education has tended towards being a more standardized and passive learning environment, often failing to cater to diverse learning styles and needs. The consequence of this approach is the lack of engagement and understanding among students, a phenomenon prevalent in many classrooms worldwide. Indeed, student disengagement and a lack of critical thinking skills in mathematics are major concerns. Innovative pedagogical methodologies, such as Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL), Collaborative Learning, and the Flipped Classroom Model, have emerged as potential remedies to this issue. Still, their implementation faces challenges related to teacher preparation, technology dependence, and individual motivation. Despite these challenges, these methods have demonstrated significant potential to improve student outcomes. Evidence suggests IBL fosters critical thinking, collaborative learning enhances interpersonal skills, and the flipped classroom approach promotes personalized instruction and increased engagement. Improvements in student test scores ranging from 5% to 30% have been reported across different studies employing these innovative teaching methods. These methods have profound effects despite minimal funding. Combining these strategies, tailored to cater to diverse student needs, can create an effective and efficient learning environment. It can foster a deeper understanding and enjoyment of mathematics, thereby stimulating greater engagement and overall improved learning outcomes.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Lee, J., & Paul, N. (2023). A Review of Pedagogical Approaches for Improved Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Mathematics . Journal of Student Research, 12(3). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i3.5021



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