Test Anxiety and Perfectionism
Test anxiety, PerfectionismAbstract
Past research demonstrates that test anxiety is an important component impacting academic performance. Perfectionism has been investigated as a factor associated with test anxiety. The purpose of this study is to contribute to an identified research gap by examining the distribution and association of perfectionism and test anxiety among high school students. This study included 74 high school students with the majority consisting of juniors and seniors in a suburban high school in Northeastern United States. Using the Westside Test Anxiety Scale and Short Almost Perfect Scale, 41% self-reported high test anxiety and 66% self-reported perfectionism in the high school student sample. Correlational analyses revealed a strong positive association (r = .47) between perfectionism and test anxiety, a strong positive association (r = .49) between discrepancy perfectionism (i.e., self-criticism) and test anxiety, and a weak positive association (r = .18) between standards perfectionism (i.e., striving) and test anxiety. The findings are consistent with existing studies of other age samples and further the understanding of test anxiety and its association with perfectionism in high school students. Implications for school-based interventions to manage test anxiety and perfectionism and directions for future research are considered.
Keywords: Test Anxiety, Perfectionism
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