Efficacy of virtual reality treatment with NIBS for Schizophrenia


  • Sashvathkumar Krishnakumar GIFTED GABBER
  • Jothsna Kethar Gifted Gabber




schizophrenia, virtual reality, NIBS


Technology plays a more significant role in healthcare today than it has ever done before. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and neurotechnology have advanced healthcare by leaps and bounds that wouldn’t have even been dreamt about 50 years ago. In recent years, virtual reality technology has advanced along with these technologies and medical professionals have taken an interest in its applications, especially in the treatment of treatment-resistant mental health conditions. Research on whether virtual reality is a viable option for psychotherapy is an ongoing process that is highly influential in the medical world. VR enables therapies that may be more accessible, need less delivery time, and have more ecological validity. While NIBS has the ability to directly modify activity in social brain regions in order to promote neuroplasticity, build neural connections, and improve brain function linked to social cognitive behaviors. This paper will aim to examine the benefits virtual reality along with NIBS (Non-invasive Brain Stimulation) has over today’s conventional treatment method for Schizophrenia through analyzing past case studies and discussing it in the context of a new virtual technology, Metaverse. As a result, it was concluded that virtual reality treatment is a better alternative to standard treatment today. 


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Author Biography

Jothsna Kethar, Gifted Gabber

The 8-week session where the student will conduct research and write a scientific journal guided by Dr.Rajgopal Appavu, Assistant Professor, Vaccine Developer, Senior Data Scientist/Analyst, Toxicologist, and Chemist. After the draft has been approved by Professor, students will be guided to submit their scientific journal.












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How to Cite

Krishnakumar, S., & Kethar, J. (2023). Efficacy of virtual reality treatment with NIBS for Schizophrenia. Journal of Student Research, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i1.4218



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