A Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Mechanical Keyboards to Enable Self-Powered Computers


  • Sanika Nandpure Plano East Senior High
  • Padmakar Kelkar College of Engineering Pune




computer, self-powered computers, piezoelectricity, piezoelectric materials, keyboard, circuit


A 2015 NRDC research study revealed that electronic devices consume alarming amounts of energy. To reduce the
energy consumption of these devices, this project proposes a novel energy-harvesting keyboard design that allows a
computer to charge as the user types on it. The keyboard generates electricity via piezoelectric materials. A novel
key structure and transducer circuit were proposed to integrate the piezo materials in the keyboard and transform the
electricity generated through keystrokes into a usable form. A keyboard prototype with 9 keys was used for testing.
Data was collected in two rounds; the first round tested the power generated per keystroke. It was determined that
the average power generated from a single key press was 0.342 μW. The second round of testing involved
determining the power generated after typing at a constant rate for 5-25 seconds. The peak electrical output occurred
at 25 seconds of typing, during which the total power generated was 2.38 mW. Thus, after 25 seconds of typing,
62% of a 22μF capacitor can be charged. This power output of the prototype is nearly 9 times higher than the
expected power output. Given that the expected value was calculated using a higher-quality piezo than the one used
in the prototype, it can be concluded that the keyboard design significantly increased the power generated. Although
the needs of a computer are not fully met, this research may be applied to a hybrid charging system utilizing both
the plug-in charger and the keyboard.


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Author Biography

Padmakar Kelkar, College of Engineering Pune

Professor of Practice at CoEP Technological University in Pune, Maharashtra. 

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How to Cite

Nandpure, S., & Kelkar, P. (2023). A Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Mechanical Keyboards to Enable Self-Powered Computers. Journal of Student Research, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i2.4039



HS Research Projects