An Introduction to BCI and Its Use in Video Games: A Review
electroencephalography, video games, brain-computer interface, machine learning, signal analysisAbstract
The input of a video game can vary from a keyboard, a mouse, a controller, and a plethora of other methods. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a cap worn on the head that can detect electrical signals in the brain. This device is becoming seen as either an alternative to traditional controllers or a supplement. The EEG can be used with a computer to become a Brain Computer Interface (BCI), where a feedback loop is created between the game and direct signals from the brain. BCIs are increasingly being used for video games, whether for entertainment or serious purposes. In this paper, we review the components of a BCI and assess the general state of its use in video games. We describe the EEG, what inputs to measure, common preprocessing techniques, and different machine learning algorithms. We assess the game-making side, discussing the types of games made. We conclude the paper by listing current limitations in different disciplines and point towards possible areas that need further innovation for the technology to become widespread.
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