Investigating the Flow Rate of Granular Material in a Dynamic System
How does a constant change in the silo’s angle of inclination impact the granular flow rate?
physics, Granular Flow, Fluid Mechanics, Extended EssayAbstract
The aim of this research is to investigate the effective method of predicting granular flow rate in a dynamic system, specifically a system undergoing vertical periodical fluctuation, simplified into uniform circular motion in this investigation. The preliminary investigation recognises the explanation from Beverloo’s relation in literature and confirmed its effectiveness in predicting the flow rate of granular material through a static silo. Hence, a mathematical hypothesis regarding the research question is established successfully, synthesizing the hypothesis of projection of effective diameter and vertical acceleration. In experiment, the hypothesis of the projection of effective diameter of the flow region is verified experimentally; whereas various implications arise when applying the conventional force analysis into the Beverloo’s relation. Although the current evidence is deficient in supporting me proposing the new law, this investigation systematically discuss the interconnection among the variables in Beverloo’s relation, and the current implication revealed shed a light on further research.
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