Learning to Branch-and-Bound to Route an Autonomous Mobility on Demand System
machine learning, branch-and-bound, autonomous mobility on demandAbstract
Autonomous Mobility on Demand (AMoD) is a system consisting of a fleet of centrally-controlled, autonomous vehicles that take customers from their requested origins to their requested destinations. In order to minimize the distance traveled by the fleet, a routing scheme must be developed to service all customer requests. This paper investigates the usage of the branch-and-bound algorithm (BB) to find such a scheme, as well as the usage of a neural network (NN) to speed up BB. Given a fixed road network, sets of randomly generated requests were passed into BB to obtain the ordering of each set that minimized the number of computations, and a NN was trained on this data. New randomly generated request sets were then passed into the trained NN, and runtimes given the NN-predicted orderings were compared to average runtimes over all permutations. For a NN with 1024 nodes in the first and 512 in the second hidden layer and a learning rate of 0.1, using the NN resulted in an average 40% decrease from average runtimes; furthermore, NN-orderings never resulted in increased runtime. Other combinations of NN parameters resulted in around 25% decrease in runtime. Also, BB performed the same number of computations for all permutations with the same first request, simplifying the problem to only finding the next request. These results show that training the NN results in a more efficient, faster routing algorithm that is therefore easier to scale up, enabling at-scale adoption of AMoD.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claire Xu; Robin Brown, Somrita Banerjee, Marco Pavone

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