Comparing Arctic Surface Albedo Modification Geoengineering Solutions


  • Madelyn Hotaling Lakewood Ranch High School
  • Tammy Harper



Albedo, Climate Change, Geoengineering, Arctic Sea Ice, Surface Albedo Modification, Climate Intervention


As global warming continues, the trend of rapidly declining arctic sea ice is expected to increase. The albedo effect, a regulatory process in earth’s climate, has become a positive feedback loop under climate change conditions. Sea ice has a high albedo, reflecting the sun’s energy. As sea ice continuously melts, more energy is absorbed, reducing albedo and leading to increasing temperatures that continue to propel the cycle. With increasing concerns regarding the effects of climate change, focus has turned towards geoengineering solutions, which employ human intervention to slow or stop the effects of global warming. Regarding the decline in arctic sea ice, specific solutions that lower global albedo are examined. One of the first solutions was Arctic Ice Management (AIM), which proposed the use of wind-driven pumps to restore the thickness of melting sea ice. A more recent proposal was Glass Microsphere (GM) geoengineering, which involved the addition of reflective glass spheres to ice, increasing the albedo of the surface. Few studies have compared geoengineering solutions; a crucial step towards implementation. Using a mixed methodology of statistical and content analyses, GM and AIM surface albedo modification solutions were compared in terms of sea ice volume and risk factors. Results suggest that GM geoengineering displays a significantly higher capacity to preserve or increase sea ice volume, but is also associated with a higher number of risks compared to AIM. Further comparison of the two solutions is suggested, along with the implementation of climate solutions that combine both mitigation and geoengineering strategies.


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Hotaling, M., & Harper, T. (2023). Comparing Arctic Surface Albedo Modification Geoengineering Solutions. Journal of Student Research, 12(1).



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