30 Years after the Sampoong Department Store Collapse: Development of South Korean Building Sector
public disasters, Sampoong, construction, development, building sector, corruptionAbstract
Since 1953, South Korea has experienced an astonishingly rapid and advanced development to the economic powerhouse that it is today. The export-oriented economy flourished in the 80s and the 90s, with construction and building projects developed throughout the country, improving the lives of many people. However, with rapid industrialization came a cavalier attitude towards safety in the booming building sector under the oversight of ineffectual government regulation, finally leading to the infamous Sampoong Department Store Collapse in 1995. While the historical conditions that led to the disaster, such as the rapidly changing socioeconomic conditions and the disaster-based policy change model, are well-studied. However, there is a paucity of research examining the safety of the South Korean industry since. Our paper contends that any efforts made to reform the South Korean construction and development have long been ineffective since Sampoong, leading to still currently unsafe conditions. Ineffective government policy changes and the volatile construction industry have put public safety second and prioritized profits over people.
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