Types of Exercise in Relation to the Risk Reduction and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease


  • Daniel Zhang St. John's School
  • Daniel Ahn St. John's School




Alzheimer's Disease, Physical Exercise, Mental Exercise, Cognition, Prevention


Due to the increasing life expectancy of the world, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease, became an increasing issue we face. Unfortunately, as there are no current viable results that came from pharmaceutical research, scientists began investigating other risk factors that could be altered to prevent AD. Physical and mental exercises were discovered as effective measures to prevent and even a potential intervention within the treatment of AD. Some examples of physical exercise include aerobic exercise and resistance training, whereas mental activity involves leisure activities and learning. The effects of the types of exercise were reviewed in the manuscript. The exercise in relation to aging are discussed. An in-depth discussion over the hippocampal volume. The types of physical activities were reviewed in terms of their effectiveness. We concluded that physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise is beneficial in terms of risk reduction and treatment of AD. 


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How to Cite

Zhang, D., & Ahn, D. . (2022). Types of Exercise in Relation to the Risk Reduction and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Student Research, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v11i3.2832



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